https://www.sunsharp-tech.com/en/contact.html SUN SHARP BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. https://www.sunsharp-tech.com/en/images/corpimg.png No. 6-3, Ln. 369, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23563, Taiwan (R.O.C.) $ 02-8969-8297           SUN SHARP is a company with rich experience in materials and chemistry-related scientific research. It provides auxiliary equipment needed for materials and chemical application science. It is also one of the few domestic agents with research and development capabilities. SUN SHARP has been in Scientific & Biotechnology Instruments business and has good relationships with the Universities, Research Institutes, Semiconductors, Opto-electronics, Solar cells, Electro-chemical fields, Bio-Chemical and Bio-Medical Industries. Our company is responsible for technical services and instrument applications. The members of SUN SHARP have good sales & service experiences in instrument applications, such as Raman, TERS, SERS, PL, TRPL, FTIR, UV-Vis, TA, NSOM, AFM, Nano-IR, FLIM, Confocal microscope, Ellipsometer, PLE and Upconversion system, etc. Technical SupportInstrument InstallationInstrument Operation TrainingInstrument Maintenance & RepairProduct Application SupportMaterials identification Service    
https://www.sunsharp-tech.com/en/ SUN SHARP BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.

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